Jun 19, 2020


Has anyone else had a difficult time concentrating since the shelter in place orders were issued in March, or is it just me? Three months later and I’m still struggling to focus, especially when I’m trying to read. It’s bad.


  1. I have the attention span of a gnat. I thought I'd use this time to devour books, but it hasn't happened. Nothing captures my imagination for long. So thanks for letting me know it's not just me!

    1. Okay, now I feel better! I was scared that it was just me lol.

  2. I don't have a great attention span unless it's something I really enjoy to begin with, but I do remember seeing a story on Good Morning America a while back that it's become a symptom of the stay-at-home order.

    1. Isn't it strange how a lack of social interaction can affect us in so many different ways? I'm just shocked that it has made me so absent minded because I'm a loner by nature.
