Jun 24, 2020

Wednesday Hodge Podge #374

Play along here.

1. This time last year where were you? The same place I am right now, hanging at home and enjoying my time off work,  but with one major change. I'm going back and forth between my home and my grandmother's because I'm still providing care for her until my mom has fully recovered from her broken leg. 
2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Pink lemonade. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? No. These days I'm only drinking unsweet tea and water. Do you like to wear the color pink?  Not really. As a freckled redhead, I find the only shades of pink that work for me are ones with orangey undertones, like coral or salmon. If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? There is nothing pink in my home. Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink? Coral and salmon.
3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn...which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Explain. I'd have to say looking through rose colored glasses. As depressed as I have been at times during this pandemic, I can't help but believe that this too shall pass, and that we'll get through it. It might not be happening as quickly as we want it to, but it will happen.
4. Are you a 'reader'? Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Do you have a summer reading list? If so, give us a title or two. I love reading, but have found that I've had trouble concentrating since the Covid-19 mess began. Ironic, isn't it? Plenty of time to read while sheltering in place, but not having the ability to comprehend what I've read lol. I don't normally have a preference for what genre to read over summer. Right now, I'm trying to finish If It Bleeds by Stephen King, and I have American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins on deck.
5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend. Rose: I got to see my oldest nephew, Garett, briefly when he needed to borrow my jumper cables to restart his girlfriend's car. Thorn: Hardee's biscuits and gravy gave my grandmother diarrhea. Sorry, TMI alert.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Do clouds look down at humans and think "hey, that one is shaped like an idiot!"?


  1. Hope your grandmother is feeling better. I agree with your comment about not wanting to go for a pedicure yet. Still only doing mostly what is necessary. Have a great week :)

  2. I am sorry Covid has messed up your concentration. I am sure it has messed up so many! I already have ADD and have to work hard at concentrating. I have been busy with crafting and Bible studies. I am glad you can help your grandma. Sorry about your mom's broken leg.

  3. Haha...love your random thought. How good of you to care for your grandmother while you're mom is recovering. Sorry about her reaction to that meal! Oye! Thanks for your visit to my hodgepodge!

  4. Same thing happening to me with reading. I had already read 20 books for this year when the pandemic hit, haven't been able to concentrate at all since - definitely ironic. Your random thought cracked me up!! Have a great day! :)

  5. My husband drinks unsweetened tea and I drink water. I need to start looking through those glasses! When I read they are always romance novels. Sorry about the biscuits. Love your random.
