Jun 10, 2020

Wednesday Hodge Podge

1. Last thing you said yes to? Did you regret it?
I lent money to my best friend. I didn't regret it because it helped her buy groceries for her family. Times are tough right now and if I can help someone out, I will.

2. No big deal, no contest, no dice, no hard feelings, no ifs ands or buts, no kidding, no offense, no pain no gain, no way...choose one and tell us how it applies to your life currently.
No if ands or buts, if you're not angered by what happened to George Floyd, or turn a blind eye to the racial injustice and prejudice in this country, kindly remove yourself from my life.

3. Thursday June 11th is National Making Life Beautiful Day...in this strange season how are you adding beauty to your days/life?
Planting flowers, feeding my bird and squirrel friends, painting kindness rocks for people to find.

4. According to an article found here, these six foods taste better in June than at any other time of the year-strawberries, asparagus, peas, peaches, beets, and garlic. How many of these have you tasted so far this month? Anything on the list you'd say 'no thank you' to trying? Rearrange the list starting with your favorite (1) to your least favorite (6).
I loathe asparagus and beets. The remaining foods would be ranked: 1. Strawberries 2. Peas 3. Peaches 4. Garlic

5. Describe your current mood in three words.
Overwhelmed, disgusted, heartbroken

6. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Your painted stones are lovely! Someone in our neighborhood has been leaving them around and it's fun to come upon one. Thanks for playing along in the Hodgepodge today!

  2. Your rocks are gorgeous! We have this in Australia too. When you paint a rock, you add your postcode to the back so you can see how far the rocks travel. It is always fun to see a photo of one of your rocks turn up on the Facebook page! Hope you have a lovely week.

  3. Lovely painted stones Julie. Gave me a good idea what to give to Isabella's teacher. I like the idea that Tiny Toadstool Cottage mention about how far the rock travel ..could be a good idea dont you think after this whole pandemic is over ..what say you? I do hope you are feeling much better now ..my current mood : Jaded, Mentally Emotionally Tired ..seeing how you deco-ed your blogsite really makes me miss the old Xanga site ..my wordpress seems so unfriendly i cant deco it like this ...

  4. Thanks for stopping over. I can't get your blog to go into my feedly account. I'm not sure how I can follow you. That was nice. I lent money to a friend several years ago so she could buy her children Christmas presents. It was terrible what happened to George Floyd and I want to make Black Lives Matter. Love your stones, what a nice hobby.

  5. @Joyce: Thank you so much! Rock painting has been one of my stress relievers, and it really brings a smile to my face when someone finds one and takes the time to post it in the Facebook rock painting group I belong to. I just don't have any luck when it comes to finding them, even though I'm always looking :)

    @Tiny Toadstool Cottage: That's awesome that kindness rocks have caught on in Australia! And thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week too!

    @Tima: Thanks, sweetie! As a matter of fact, I do belong to a group on Facebook dedicated to painting/hiding kindness rocks. It's called WTP Rocks (WTP stands for Woodford, Tazewell, and Peoria...the three counties here in central Illinois where members hide rocks). I've had quite a few of mine show up in the group and I love hearing how they brightened the day of the finder!

    @Debby@Just Breathe: That was so sweet of you to lend money to your friend so her children could have a wonderful Christmas! I'm sure she'll never forget your act of kindness. That's weird that my blog won't go into your feedly account. Could you just bookmark my page?
