Jul 10, 2011

I'm Not A Ravenpuff?

Your result for The Sorting Hat Test...


You scored 53% Order/Chaos, and 44% Moral/Rational

Rationality with an orderly/chaotic split. What you strongly know is that you try to be rational, objective, and like to consider things as shades of gray. On order, you see the value of rules and organization but equally can become impatient and advocate a rather loose system. Your strengths arise from your ability to consider both radicals and straightlaced authority objectively; however, it can turn on you when others feel betrayed by the fact that there are few you support unconditionally and consistently.

The 4-grid I used to determine this is as follows:


Take The Sorting Hat Test at HelloQuizzy


  1. Pretty cool!

    I'll bet you're all a-quiver about the final movie coming out, eh WT?
