Jul 1, 2011

Diana At 50

Is it me, or is this photo of the late Princess Diana walking alongside the Duchess of Cambridge a bit on the creepy side? I can only hope that the Princes William and Harry won't see this magazine cover. It would be so hard being confronted with a picture of what could have been. I think Diana would be thrilled with Kate and would embrace her like the daughter she always wanted but never had.

It's hard to believe that she would be 50 years old today. Seems like only yesterday when she was the shy 20 year old bride walking down the aisle at St.Paul's Cathedral. The fact that she has been gone almost 14 years seems unreal.

I miss her. Still.


  1. I thought it was very creepy!

    And I think she would have aged better.

  2. I couldn't agree more, on both topics. The magazine cover is a little over the top - - and wow, 50 already? Time sure has flown by...
