May 3, 2011

Owl Pendant Sterling Silver Necklace

I'd love to buy this cute owl necklace (I'm a big owl fan), but I don't love the $117.00 price tag. Why do I always find these things when I'm trying like hell to save money?!?


  1. That sure is beautiful. I didn't realize you were into "owl" artifacts. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for such items.

  2. I was going to ask if you'd ever looked for this kind of stuff on Etsy. They have awesome octopus/squid things so I figured there might be some owls too. Just for kicks I did a quick scan of their owl items and look:

    It's the exact same owl, just un-sterling!

  3. Larry and Teena: Thanks! And that's owl-fully sweet of you to be on the lookout for owl items, WT ;)

    Aubrey- I love you. I never thought about Etsy. Thanks so much for the heads up!
