Oct 14, 2011

Julie And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Michael's funeral was this morning. I had bad cramps (sorry, TMI). One of my co-workers needed a swift kick in the rear from my size 7 boots of reason (still does). The teacher I work with had to go home early due to illness (caused from the stress of dealing with said co-worker). One of my students was on my last nerve. I had a flat tire during the drive home and had to wait an hour and 15 minutes for the tow truck to show up. I had to spend $60 for the tow truck man to put the donut spare tire on. The donut spare was also flat. The Chinese restaurant I went to for dinner didn't have peanut butter chicken. My cat horked all over the kitchen floor.

*Sigh*I'm going to bed.


  1. Boy, you certainly had far from a stellar day, my friend. I am sorry for everything you've been going through. Sometimes when it rains, it pours, or so goes the saying. I do hope your weekend has been much better. Hey, the Blues and Leafs are winning, WT!

  2. Wow that is a truly sucky day :(

    You're going to be due for a really great one soon. (If you don't believe that, then let me point out that I lol'd at your cat horking on the kitchen floor mere seconds before mine threw up under my desk. Darned karma has to work both ways!)

  3. Larry- Thanks, WT. My weekend was much more relaxed than the previous one (when Michael went into the hospital).

    Aubrey- Doncha just love cats and their barfing? LOL!

  4. Just what the doctor ordered, Julie. Lots of relaxation, for a change!
