Oct 16, 2011

It Was Bound To Happen Sooner Or Later

My first cold of the season, that is. Itchy nasal passages? Check. Head congestion? Check. Intermittent runny nose? Check.

This is what happens when parents send their sick children to school instead of keeping them at home where they should be. So frustrating. Green snot should automatically earn a student a trip home. Especially when said student can't wipe his own nose, keep his germ riddled hands to himself, or cover his mouth when he coughs.

Plans for the day include some Sudafed and a Netflix marathon. Perhaps even a nap before the Blues-Ducks game this evening.


  1. You make a good point about parents needing to keep their sick children at home. it's a matter of courtesy and respect. I hope you manage to get over your cold sooner rather that later. Will you be taking a day or two off work as a result?

    Feel better soon, WT!

  2. Teena- Thanks!

    Larry- It's weird, but I'm actually feeling a bit better today. Still not 100%, but definitely better than yesterday. Thanks for the well wishes.

  3. Glad to hear it, Julie. And....you're welcome!

  4. Sorry about your cold. As a parent, I never, ever sent my child to school when they were ill (at least not knowingly). -Gretchen(gottobereal64)
