Apr 7, 2011

Ever Have One Of Those Days?

I feel your pain, monkey.


  1. Lol, poor monkey.

    I love your background! It's so bright and cheery, and the owls are adorable :)

  2. That is one funny video. I am glad that I wear contacts sometimes. When I get up in the morning all disheveled I can't see my own reflection in the mirror unless I stick my nose right up to the glass. Being blind as a bat has its perks!

    Cool blog header Julie. I like your new home.

  3. Aubrey- Thanks! A love of owls= yet another thing we have in common!

    Bumbles- LOL! When I look at myself first thing in the morning, my initial thought is "What the hell is Keith Richards doing here?!?"

  4. Congrats on the new site, Julie. It looks great - - nice job! As for the monkey, yes, I've had days like this too!
