Jan 22, 2012

2012 Quotables

"I don't know about everyone, but I'm sick and tired of listening to how appalled Newt Gingrich was last night when he was asked about him wanting an open marriage with his 2nd wife. That's about how appalled I am that he couldn't keep his pecker in his pants with any of his wives. Cry me a river Newt!"

-my friend Cindy's Facebook status after Newt's little hissy fit during the GOP debate in South Carolina

On a personal note: Really, South Carolina? This hypocritical douchebag led the witch hunt during the Clinton/Lewinsky affair while he was screwing around on his own wife (who was suffering from MS), yet you believe he possesses the moral character and Christian values you want in a President? Give me a break!

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand it, either. Nor does Wendy (she's from South Carolina, as you know, and she's also appalled that her own state would support him).
