Nov 20, 2011

Mr. Bean Is A Bad Influence

A nativity scene just isn't a nativity scene without a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Too bad I don't have the robot and army tank to complete the look.


  1. Love it! One of my favourite Mr. Bean Christmas moments! That, along with him unplugging the lights to the whole store! LOL!

  2. Mr. Bean rocks! I love the one (I think it's also a Christmas episode) where he gets his head stuck in the turkey. FYI, the robot is a Dalek from Dr. Who.

  3. Larry- Mr. Bean's Christmas episode is my all time favorite. I love when he gives his girlfriend the picture of the woman with the engagement ring from the jewelry store instead of the ring she was hinting about!

    Aubrey- Good to know! I just started watching Dr. Who on Netflix, so I'll keep my eyes open for Daleks :)

  4. I agree, WT! That picture moment is a classic!
