Nov 20, 2011

I Now Know Why Puppies Are So Darned Cute

It's to prevent you from strangling them when they piss on your living room carpet 8 times in one weekend. Or when they poop on one of your living room rugs 30 seconds after you bring them back in the house after having them outside to go potty.

I adore my brother's chocolate lab pup "Doc", I really do, but damn. Spending my weekend dealing with his toilet accidents- not to mention his hyperactivity- is the last thing I want to do after working all week.

If my brother expects Mom or I to puppy-sit while he's out deer hunting over the next few weeks, he's going to have to bring his kennel. I hate the idea of kenneling Doc, but Christmas is coming up and I don't want to have to deal with him chewing on the gifts, the extension cords, and/or the tree.


  1. I think a major reason why I generally prefer cats to dogs is because of the higher maintenance of the latter. Still though, one can't argue the cuteness factor! I hope your brother will works things out alright with Doc.

  2. I prefer cats over dogs for the same reason you do, WT. Dogs may be cute, but they're so much work!
