I was at a co-worker's "game night" last night, laughing and having a great time, when I heard the roommate of said co-worker make some catty remark about me while we were playing Taboo. This person doesn't know me all that well, so I don't know why she just assumed it was okay to take a personal jab at me. It's not that I don't have a sense of humor, or that I don't know how to take a joke, but what she said about me wasn't at all funny (or true in the least bit). Even my best friend, who is the queen of sarcasm, thought she crossed the line. That's saying a lot.
I can joke around with the best of them, but my humor is never mean-spirited or insulting. Life's too short to spend my time around people who have to be mean to make themselves feel better about their own miserable lives.
I can't imagine what that roommate-jerk said about you but most likely that person is simply insecure in his/her own life and perhaps even a little jealous of you. Rest assured, the jerk is beneath contempt and not even worthy of your presence. With luck, game night will be hosted elsewhere the next time around. Having said all that, I'm so sorry you've been hurt, Julie. Try your best to forget the incident and just know you are miles above that person on the "human" scale.
ReplyDeleteI tend to have a sarcastic sense of humour but I'm sensitive when to use it.
ReplyDeleteLarry- Thanks, WT. I don't think this person is jealous of me, but I do think she is lacking in some social skills. As much I like game night, I'm going to have to pass if this person is there again. Either that or I'll have to drive myself so I can leave when I want to. After 3 hours, I usually hit the mark where I've had enough and I'm ready to go home.