Cowboys And Aliens

Just a few notes...
- I thought Cowboys and Aliens was going to be completely stupid (in fact, I shot Diet Pepsi out of my nose from laughing when I saw the trailer earlier this year) and wasn't planning on seeing it, but my mom, who has had a horrible couple of weeks, really wanted to see it, so I went for her. To my surprise, the movie wasn't that bad. Yeah, the concept of cowboys fighting aliens is bizarre and "out there", but the action is top notch, especially during the scene where the cowboys ambush the aliens at their home base to rescue their captured townsfolk.
- The aliens in this film are a thousand times scarier than the alien in Super 8. They're sure to give the kids in the theater nightmares.
- Is it me, or has Harrison Ford played a cantankerous old fart in every recent movie he's been in? Don't get me wrong, I still love him...I just wish he'd get the chance to play someone who actually smiles. Smiley Harrison Ford= lust.
- Mom and I are convinced that our bodies give off some kind of pheromone that entices the most obnoxious people in the theater to sit behind, in front of, or next to us. This time around, we got Mr. and Mrs. Obvious, who felt compelled to share with everyone what was happening on the big screen, as if we couldn't see it for ourselves (ex. "He just shot that guy!", "Here come the aliens", "He can't get the wristband off"). Why us, Lord, why?
I've been debating if I've wanted to see this movie or not, so I appreciate the review, WT. The movie's concept does sound hokey to me but I'm glad to hear it's not as bad as what some other people have been saying about it. My bro-in-law Rick has expressed an interest in seeing it as well, so we may make it a "guy's night out" and catch it (Wendy has no interest in seeing it). Sorry to hear you got stuck beside those inconsiderate people, though. Those morons would bug the heck out of me, too.....Did your mom enjoy the movie as well? I hope she's feeling better now. Please continue to pass along my best wishes to her!
ReplyDeleteI'm not usually into cowboys or aliens. We saw this last week because Gord is into these things. I went in with low expectations. I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. I thought Harrison Ford did a great job as a crankpants :)
ReplyDeleteit's looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to watch it after reading your review!