"Maynard*, stop kissing my butt."
(I mean that literally. He snuck up behind me while I was bent over doing a lift and planted kisses on my rear. What can I say? He's our class clown)
*name changed for privacy reasons
Aug 26, 2011
Aug 24, 2011
A Sign From The Hockey Gods?!?
Cloud Inspires Canadian Man To Bet On The Blues
James Redeker, of Calgary, said he took the above picture on Wednesday morning and then emailed it to NewsChannel 5 and wrote, "I think it may be God's way of telling me to bet on the Blues to win the Stanley Cup this year."
Mr. Redeker, I love you. Tell you what- we win the Cup next June, I'll send you an airline ticket so you can join us in St.Louis for the party. Deal?

James Redeker, of Calgary, said he took the above picture on Wednesday morning and then emailed it to NewsChannel 5 and wrote, "I think it may be God's way of telling me to bet on the Blues to win the Stanley Cup this year."
Mr. Redeker, I love you. Tell you what- we win the Cup next June, I'll send you an airline ticket so you can join us in St.Louis for the party. Deal?
I Want Wednesday

I know the school district is experiencing money woes, but how the hell is this going to benefit the kids? We've willingly taken a pay freeze over the last two years and this is how they might re-pay us? Teacher assistants have to have the education and credentials to be in accordance with No Child Left Behind statutes, so how can they think we're not an integral component in the educational system? Good luck finding qualified people who are willing to work for crap money and no benefits to fill vacated positions.
Any one against universal health care in this country can kiss my fat, white ass. You'd better hope you don't find yourself in this predicament some day.
God Bless You, Skinny Cow
Milk chocolate Dreamy Clusters tastes exactly like the chocolatey goodness that is the 100 Grand bar, which happens to be one of my all time favorite candy bars. Thank you for letting me indulge my sweet tooth without ruining my Weight Watchers point counting.
P.S. If you're following the old Points system (as I am), the candy is only 2 points.
P.S. If you're following the old Points system (as I am), the candy is only 2 points.
Aug 20, 2011
The King Is Dead!
Finally! Burger King Has Dethroned Its Weird Monarch Mascot
Yes, that's exactly how I feel. I've been creeped out by The King ever since his first commercial appearance in 2003. In fact, he scares me so much, I've avoided eating at a Burger King for 8 years.
"That king looks like something out of my nightmares." I agree; the oversized, smiling plastic head has always really given me the heebie-jeebies. Do you feel the same way?
Yes, that's exactly how I feel. I've been creeped out by The King ever since his first commercial appearance in 2003. In fact, he scares me so much, I've avoided eating at a Burger King for 8 years.
Aug 18, 2011
Aug 17, 2011
13 Years Old
Aug 11, 2011
Brain Droppings, Part One
Bits and pieces of randomness...
1. Three weeks ago, my mom had a frightening ordeal after undergoing cataract surgery in her left eye. The cataract removal itself went perfectly, but when she woke up on the Saturday two days post-surgery and couldn't see anything but shadows, we started to panic. I rushed her to Peoria so one of the eye specialists at Illinois Eye Center could examine it, but he told her that she had some minor bleeding and sent us home. Minor bleeding my ass! By 6 that evening, her eye was blood red, full of pus, and sort of resembled The Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. The doctor on call (not the same one from earlier that day) had us come back to the Illinois Eye Center, where he was shocked to discover that her eye was full of infection. By that time, her vision was so bad she couldn't even see shadows. He took samples of the bacteria and then....(at this point I had to leave the room because of what was about to happen)...had to give her three injections of high dosage antibiotics directly into her eye. *shudder* The prognosis was not good: if the medicine didn't work, she could lose the eye. Well, to make a long story short(er), the meds did work (praise Jesus), and after numerous exams (I think we're up to 8 or 9 now) and 5 different types of daily medicated eye drops, her eye looks healthy again. Her vision is slowly improving and may take months to return to normal (if it ever does). We're just grateful to be at this point because the outcome could've been much, much worse. At least there wasn't any damage to her optic nerve or retina.
2. I used to think that June bugs were the most irritating insects on the planet. That title now belongs to these winged bastards of Satan. In addition to being creepy, they deliberately dive bomb people. I've lost count of the times I've had to pick one out of my hair or off the back of my neck. I can't wait until fall weather arrives and they all die.
3. I came thisclose to test driving a 2011 Chevrolet Cruze, but changed my mind at the last minute. Blame it on three years of not having a monthly car payment. My 2003 ION has 93,000 miles on the odometer and is still running well (knock wood!), so I'm going to hold off buying a new car for another year. To be honest, I'd rather save that money for next summer's trip to Disney World and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter with Larry and Wendy.
4. I can't believe I have to go back to work next Thursday. Color me thrilled (*/ insert sarcasm). Where did summer go? Two days of Teacher Institute and then a full day with the students the following Monday. No more half-days during the first week to ease the kids back into the schedule. To add insult to injury, because we're starting the school year in mid-August, we're on a heat schedule until Labor Day. Which means yours truly has to be at work at 6:45 a.m. Just. Kill. Me. Morning + me= enemies. Why can't we just start school after Labor Day?
I got a pixie cut like the one pictured above and absolutely love it! It's so easy to style and takes no time at all.
1. Three weeks ago, my mom had a frightening ordeal after undergoing cataract surgery in her left eye. The cataract removal itself went perfectly, but when she woke up on the Saturday two days post-surgery and couldn't see anything but shadows, we started to panic. I rushed her to Peoria so one of the eye specialists at Illinois Eye Center could examine it, but he told her that she had some minor bleeding and sent us home. Minor bleeding my ass! By 6 that evening, her eye was blood red, full of pus, and sort of resembled The Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. The doctor on call (not the same one from earlier that day) had us come back to the Illinois Eye Center, where he was shocked to discover that her eye was full of infection. By that time, her vision was so bad she couldn't even see shadows. He took samples of the bacteria and then....(at this point I had to leave the room because of what was about to happen)...had to give her three injections of high dosage antibiotics directly into her eye. *shudder* The prognosis was not good: if the medicine didn't work, she could lose the eye. Well, to make a long story short(er), the meds did work (praise Jesus), and after numerous exams (I think we're up to 8 or 9 now) and 5 different types of daily medicated eye drops, her eye looks healthy again. Her vision is slowly improving and may take months to return to normal (if it ever does). We're just grateful to be at this point because the outcome could've been much, much worse. At least there wasn't any damage to her optic nerve or retina.
2. I used to think that June bugs were the most irritating insects on the planet. That title now belongs to these winged bastards of Satan. In addition to being creepy, they deliberately dive bomb people. I've lost count of the times I've had to pick one out of my hair or off the back of my neck. I can't wait until fall weather arrives and they all die.
3. I came thisclose to test driving a 2011 Chevrolet Cruze, but changed my mind at the last minute. Blame it on three years of not having a monthly car payment. My 2003 ION has 93,000 miles on the odometer and is still running well (knock wood!), so I'm going to hold off buying a new car for another year. To be honest, I'd rather save that money for next summer's trip to Disney World and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter with Larry and Wendy.
4. I can't believe I have to go back to work next Thursday. Color me thrilled (*/ insert sarcasm). Where did summer go? Two days of Teacher Institute and then a full day with the students the following Monday. No more half-days during the first week to ease the kids back into the schedule. To add insult to injury, because we're starting the school year in mid-August, we're on a heat schedule until Labor Day. Which means yours truly has to be at work at 6:45 a.m. Just. Kill. Me. Morning + me= enemies. Why can't we just start school after Labor Day?
I got a pixie cut like the one pictured above and absolutely love it! It's so easy to style and takes no time at all.
Aug 7, 2011
What is up lately with companies butchering 80's songs to sell their products? Sonic's "You Can Do Magic" and Old Navy's "Fascination" commercials are bad enough, but why the hell did H&M choose Duran Duran's highly sexual "Girls On Film" to advertise their back-to-school clothes? Yuck.
Aug 4, 2011
I GOT IN!!!!!

I can't wait to see what house I'll be sorted into (my guess? either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw), or what kind of wand I'll get. Yeah, I'm a total dweeb.
Aug 3, 2011
Cowboys And Aliens

- I thought Cowboys and Aliens was going to be completely stupid (in fact, I shot Diet Pepsi out of my nose from laughing when I saw the trailer earlier this year) and wasn't planning on seeing it, but my mom, who has had a horrible couple of weeks, really wanted to see it, so I went for her. To my surprise, the movie wasn't that bad. Yeah, the concept of cowboys fighting aliens is bizarre and "out there", but the action is top notch, especially during the scene where the cowboys ambush the aliens at their home base to rescue their captured townsfolk.
- The aliens in this film are a thousand times scarier than the alien in Super 8. They're sure to give the kids in the theater nightmares.
- Is it me, or has Harrison Ford played a cantankerous old fart in every recent movie he's been in? Don't get me wrong, I still love him...I just wish he'd get the chance to play someone who actually smiles. Smiley Harrison Ford= lust.
- Mom and I are convinced that our bodies give off some kind of pheromone that entices the most obnoxious people in the theater to sit behind, in front of, or next to us. This time around, we got Mr. and Mrs. Obvious, who felt compelled to share with everyone what was happening on the big screen, as if we couldn't see it for ourselves (ex. "He just shot that guy!", "Here come the aliens", "He can't get the wristband off"). Why us, Lord, why?
It's Official- Hell Has Frozen Over
I actually like this song by Brittany Spears and have downloaded it on my iPod. It's all Bravo TV's fault. "I Wanna Go" is used in their promotional "Summer Camp" commercial, starring cast members from shows such as Top Chef, Real Housewives of New Jersey, and Flipping Out, so I've seen it about eleventy billion times over the course of the summer. What can I say? It's catchy.
Aug 1, 2011
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