Jun 30, 2020
66 Pounds Down, 40 More To Go
Weight loss for June- 4 lbs. So that makes 34.8 lbs. for the first half of 2020 and 31.2 for the last 3 months of 2019.
Tuesday 4
This week, let's talk about the Fourth of July...
1. Do you think the 4th is an important holiday? Why, why not?
It's America's birthday, so heck yeah it's important. It's important that we take the day to appreciate the freedoms and privileges we have as Americans, and also to remember our forefathers whose blood, sweat, and tears went into bringing this nation into being.
2. How do you celebrate? If you're not American, do you celebrate your nation's national holiday? For years, it was my family's custom to celebrate the 4th at my aunt's house. She and my uncle had a pool, so we'd swim all day, gorge on delicious food, play cards, and then watch the fireworks in the street in front of their house (they had a great view). Now that my aunt and uncle have passed away, and some of my relatives are no longer on speaking terms, there is no big celebration. To be honest, I no longer do anything special to mark the occasion. I don't even attend the local fireworks show.
3. In the time of Laura Ingalls Wilder, all Americans read the Declaration of Independence every year on the 4th and lemonade was a big treat for the town picnic. Do you read the Declaration of Independence? Or your nation's important papers? How about lemonade? Are you a fan? No, I can't say I read the Declaration of Independence (and I was a History major. Go figure!) As for lemonade, I LOVE it, but I haven't had it in years. Too much sugar.
4. Picnic, eat inside the house, or eat out for the 4th? I'll probably just grill a burger and then eat inside. Too many bugs outside, getting up in my face and driving me crazy.
1. Do you think the 4th is an important holiday? Why, why not?
It's America's birthday, so heck yeah it's important. It's important that we take the day to appreciate the freedoms and privileges we have as Americans, and also to remember our forefathers whose blood, sweat, and tears went into bringing this nation into being.
2. How do you celebrate? If you're not American, do you celebrate your nation's national holiday? For years, it was my family's custom to celebrate the 4th at my aunt's house. She and my uncle had a pool, so we'd swim all day, gorge on delicious food, play cards, and then watch the fireworks in the street in front of their house (they had a great view). Now that my aunt and uncle have passed away, and some of my relatives are no longer on speaking terms, there is no big celebration. To be honest, I no longer do anything special to mark the occasion. I don't even attend the local fireworks show.
3. In the time of Laura Ingalls Wilder, all Americans read the Declaration of Independence every year on the 4th and lemonade was a big treat for the town picnic. Do you read the Declaration of Independence? Or your nation's important papers? How about lemonade? Are you a fan? No, I can't say I read the Declaration of Independence (and I was a History major. Go figure!) As for lemonade, I LOVE it, but I haven't had it in years. Too much sugar.
4. Picnic, eat inside the house, or eat out for the 4th? I'll probably just grill a burger and then eat inside. Too many bugs outside, getting up in my face and driving me crazy.
Jun 27, 2020
Saturday 9: Beautiful People
Play along here.
Saturday 9: Beautiful People (2019)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This song is about the fantasy of being one of the "beautiful people," but how hollow the reality can be. Do you often find yourself envying others for what they have? Yes, unfortunately. I try not to let the green eyed monster take over, but I don't always succeed. It's difficult not to feel envious of people on Facebook and Instagram who seem to have it all: looks, wealth, the perfect body, the perfect house, the fairytale relationship, a huge circle of friends, etc. I'm logical enough to realize that things are not always as they appear, and that people only want to show what's beautiful and good in their lives, but there are times when I'm feeling so down on myself, I fall for the "smoke and mirrors" act.
2) Ed Sheeran sings that he and his girl don't fit in well because they're "just ourselves." Who among your close friends do you find it easiest to be "just yourself?" My best friends, Kelly and Jen. They love and accept me for who I am, even when I'm at my most needy, anxious, annoying, and pessimistic.
3) The lyrics refer to Hummers and Lamborghinis. What's your dream ride? I'm a woman with simple tastes. I'd love to have a Volkswagen Beetle or VW bus. What can I say- I'm a hippie at heart!
4) Ed believes in giving back. One cause he supports is No Cold Homes, which helps ensure that everyone in the English city of Bristol has the fuel needed to keep their homes safe and comfortable. Here in the United States, he's raised funds for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Is there a cause that's near and dear to your heart? The ASPCA. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (they treated my late cousin, Lori, when she was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 10). My local animal shelter (I donate money, food, and supplies whenever I can).
5) Ed's arms are covered in tattoos, so clearly he doesn't suffer from trypanophobia, or a fear of needles. How about you? Do you look away when the doctor gives you a shot? Nope, no fear of needles. I always have to look when I'm getting blood drawn or getting a shot. It hurts more if I don't look.
6) One of Ed's tattoos is a bottle of Heinz Ketchup. What condiments would we find if we peeked into your refrigerator this morning? Ketchup. Light mayonnaise. Salad dressings. Soy sauce. Barbecue sauce. Worcestershire sauce. Lemon juice.
7) Ed is a natural redhead, a trait he shares with only 2% of the population. Does red hair run in your family? <raising hand> Redhead here! Red hair runs in my dad's family. Two of my great-grandparents, an uncle, and a handful of cousins were/are natural gingers. Must be our Scots-Irish and Scandinavian DNA. As for my mom's side? A second cousin and I are the only ones "kissed by fire". My mom doesn't know who her biological father was, so I have no idea if there is another redheaded branch of my family tree.
8) In 2019, when this song was released, the FDA recommended the approval of a drug for treating peanut allergies in children. Do you suffer from any food allergies, or sensitivities? Not that I'm aware of.
9) Random question: What of these do you think is the biggest contributing factor to success -- hard work, luck or talent? I think a mix of all 3, but I tend to put luck on the top of the list. There are so many hard working people who never get anywhere, no matter how hard they try. Same goes for talent. How many talented people are there who have worked hard to share their gifts with the world, but weren't successful because they weren't in the right place at the right time?
Saturday 9: Beautiful People (2019)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This song is about the fantasy of being one of the "beautiful people," but how hollow the reality can be. Do you often find yourself envying others for what they have? Yes, unfortunately. I try not to let the green eyed monster take over, but I don't always succeed. It's difficult not to feel envious of people on Facebook and Instagram who seem to have it all: looks, wealth, the perfect body, the perfect house, the fairytale relationship, a huge circle of friends, etc. I'm logical enough to realize that things are not always as they appear, and that people only want to show what's beautiful and good in their lives, but there are times when I'm feeling so down on myself, I fall for the "smoke and mirrors" act.
2) Ed Sheeran sings that he and his girl don't fit in well because they're "just ourselves." Who among your close friends do you find it easiest to be "just yourself?" My best friends, Kelly and Jen. They love and accept me for who I am, even when I'm at my most needy, anxious, annoying, and pessimistic.
3) The lyrics refer to Hummers and Lamborghinis. What's your dream ride? I'm a woman with simple tastes. I'd love to have a Volkswagen Beetle or VW bus. What can I say- I'm a hippie at heart!
4) Ed believes in giving back. One cause he supports is No Cold Homes, which helps ensure that everyone in the English city of Bristol has the fuel needed to keep their homes safe and comfortable. Here in the United States, he's raised funds for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Is there a cause that's near and dear to your heart? The ASPCA. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (they treated my late cousin, Lori, when she was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 10). My local animal shelter (I donate money, food, and supplies whenever I can).
5) Ed's arms are covered in tattoos, so clearly he doesn't suffer from trypanophobia, or a fear of needles. How about you? Do you look away when the doctor gives you a shot? Nope, no fear of needles. I always have to look when I'm getting blood drawn or getting a shot. It hurts more if I don't look.
6) One of Ed's tattoos is a bottle of Heinz Ketchup. What condiments would we find if we peeked into your refrigerator this morning? Ketchup. Light mayonnaise. Salad dressings. Soy sauce. Barbecue sauce. Worcestershire sauce. Lemon juice.
7) Ed is a natural redhead, a trait he shares with only 2% of the population. Does red hair run in your family? <raising hand> Redhead here! Red hair runs in my dad's family. Two of my great-grandparents, an uncle, and a handful of cousins were/are natural gingers. Must be our Scots-Irish and Scandinavian DNA. As for my mom's side? A second cousin and I are the only ones "kissed by fire". My mom doesn't know who her biological father was, so I have no idea if there is another redheaded branch of my family tree.
8) In 2019, when this song was released, the FDA recommended the approval of a drug for treating peanut allergies in children. Do you suffer from any food allergies, or sensitivities? Not that I'm aware of.
9) Random question: What of these do you think is the biggest contributing factor to success -- hard work, luck or talent? I think a mix of all 3, but I tend to put luck on the top of the list. There are so many hard working people who never get anywhere, no matter how hard they try. Same goes for talent. How many talented people are there who have worked hard to share their gifts with the world, but weren't successful because they weren't in the right place at the right time?
Jun 26, 2020
Jun 25, 2020
Thursday 13: 13 Favorite Rides At Disney World
You can play along here.
Had it not been for COVID-19, and then a broken leg, my mom and I would've been vacationing this week at our home away from home, Walt Disney World. For this week's thirteen, I figured if I can't be at Disney in person, then I'll bring the Disney magic to me. Here is a list of my favorite, not to be missed attractions. Click on the ride name for a video.
*You may have noticed that Space Mountain and Rock N Roller Coaster featuring Aerosmith are no where to be found. I say nay nay to rollercoasters that are in the dark. I have to see what's coming track wise in order to tolerate the ride.
Had it not been for COVID-19, and then a broken leg, my mom and I would've been vacationing this week at our home away from home, Walt Disney World. For this week's thirteen, I figured if I can't be at Disney in person, then I'll bring the Disney magic to me. Here is a list of my favorite, not to be missed attractions. Click on the ride name for a video.
- The Tower of Terror (Hollywood Studios): I love everything about ToT- the Twilight Zone theme, the decrepit hotel, the creepy queue through the boiler room, and the free fall drops in the dark at the ride's conclusion. Did you know that the Tower's computer randomly selects a drop sequence from a set of 4 different presets? All 4 include at least one full drop from the top to the bottom of the elevator shaft. Depending on the elevator shaft or the drop profile you get, your elevator might stop at a scene along the way- lightning, a blue ghost, or the original elevator guests. Another interesting fact? Some props from the original Twilight Zone series can be spotted if you look hard enough. The Mystic Seer from the William Shatner episode "Nick of Time" is in on the shelf in the pre-queue area, and Willie from "The Dummy" episode is in the storage area before you disembark the ride vehicle.
- Splash Mountain (Magic Kingdom): Have a "zip-a-dee-doo-dah" good time on this thrilling log flume attraction inspired by the movie Song of the South. Follow Br'er Rabbit as he searches for his "laughing place" and avoids Br'er Bear and Br'er Fox along the way. My favorite part of the ride? The 5-story drop at the end. Warning: you will get wet! As of today, it has been reported that Splash Mountain will be refurbished in the near future with a new theme- Princess and The Frog. I still don't know how I feel about that.
- Pirates of the Caribbean (Magic Kingdom): Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me! Set sail in a weathered barge and travel back to the 17th century when rowdy rogues and ruthless rapscallions ransacked Caribbean seaport towns. Keep an eye out for Captain Jack Sparrow, who pops up in a couple of scenes. It sounds weird, but my favorite part of PotC is the smell of the water! And I adore the queue music as well.
- Spaceship Earth (Epcot): Travel through time and explore the remarkable history of human communication from the Stone Age to the computer age. AKA "The Golf Ball".
- Test Track (Epcot)- Design a virtual concept car and put it to the test on this thrilling, high octane attraction. Rev through tough terrain and obstacles along the winding circuit. Accelerate through straightaways, maneuver switchbacks through inclement weather, hug curves banked at 50 degree angles and scale hills up to 3 stories high. Reach speeds of up to 65 mph as you put your car through its paces. Hold on to your hats and sunglasses-they will fly off once the ride goes outdoors.
- The Haunted Mansion (Magic Kingdom)- Climb aboard a Doom Buggy for a grave journey through a labyrinth of haunted chambers. Beware of hitchhikers- phantom pranksters may follow you home! No matter how many times I've been through the Haunted Mansion, I'm still impressed by the ballroom scene. I know how the Imagineers achieved the effect, but it never ceases to amaze me. Oh, and be sure to say hi to Little Leota on your way out.
- Soarin' (Epcot)- Take flight on a breezy, airborne adventure as you hang glide above breathtaking wonders of the world, such as the Taj Mahal and Iguazu Falls.
- Dinosaur (Animal Kingdom): Travel back in time on a perilous prehistoric race to rescue a dinosaur- before a meteor strikes. You might want to skip this one if you're sensitive to loud noises and don't like being jerked around.
- Kali River Rapids (Animal Kingdom): Set out on a thrilling whitewater adventure through a lush jungle in the heart of Asia. Just be prepared- you WILL get wet. Doesn't matter where you sit in the raft.
- Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (Magic Kingdom): Race through a haunted gold mine aboard a speeding train on this coaster-like ride.
- Expedition Everest (Animal Kingdom): Race through icy Himalayan peaks aboard a speeding train while avoiding the clutches of the mythic Yeti. I'm not a big coaster fan, but there's something about Everest that I love. I don't even mind the part where the train goes backward.
- Carousel of Progress (Magic Kingdom): Not a ride per se, but a charming trip through the 20th century showcasing the marvels of progress and the evolution of technology.
- Star Tours (Hollywood Studios): Make the jump to hyperspace on a thrilling 3D space flight to legendary destinations from the Star Wars saga. If you're prone to motion sickness, you might want to sit this one out.
*You may have noticed that Space Mountain and Rock N Roller Coaster featuring Aerosmith are no where to be found. I say nay nay to rollercoasters that are in the dark. I have to see what's coming track wise in order to tolerate the ride.
Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Hodge Podge #374
Play along here.
1. This time last year where were you? The same place I am right now, hanging at home and enjoying my time off work, but with one major change. I'm going back and forth between my home and my grandmother's because I'm still providing care for her until my mom has fully recovered from her broken leg.
2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Pink lemonade. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? No. These days I'm only drinking unsweet tea and water. Do you like to wear the color pink? Not really. As a freckled redhead, I find the only shades of pink that work for me are ones with orangey undertones, like coral or salmon. If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? There is nothing pink in my home. Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink? Coral and salmon.
3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn...which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Explain. I'd have to say looking through rose colored glasses. As depressed as I have been at times during this pandemic, I can't help but believe that this too shall pass, and that we'll get through it. It might not be happening as quickly as we want it to, but it will happen.
4. Are you a 'reader'? Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Do you have a summer reading list? If so, give us a title or two. I love reading, but have found that I've had trouble concentrating since the Covid-19 mess began. Ironic, isn't it? Plenty of time to read while sheltering in place, but not having the ability to comprehend what I've read lol. I don't normally have a preference for what genre to read over summer. Right now, I'm trying to finish If It Bleeds by Stephen King, and I have American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins on deck.
5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend. Rose: I got to see my oldest nephew, Garett, briefly when he needed to borrow my jumper cables to restart his girlfriend's car. Thorn: Hardee's biscuits and gravy gave my grandmother diarrhea. Sorry, TMI alert.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Do clouds look down at humans and think "hey, that one is shaped like an idiot!"?
1. This time last year where were you? The same place I am right now, hanging at home and enjoying my time off work, but with one major change. I'm going back and forth between my home and my grandmother's because I'm still providing care for her until my mom has fully recovered from her broken leg.
2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Pink lemonade. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? No. These days I'm only drinking unsweet tea and water. Do you like to wear the color pink? Not really. As a freckled redhead, I find the only shades of pink that work for me are ones with orangey undertones, like coral or salmon. If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? There is nothing pink in my home. Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink? Coral and salmon.
3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn...which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Explain. I'd have to say looking through rose colored glasses. As depressed as I have been at times during this pandemic, I can't help but believe that this too shall pass, and that we'll get through it. It might not be happening as quickly as we want it to, but it will happen.
4. Are you a 'reader'? Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Do you have a summer reading list? If so, give us a title or two. I love reading, but have found that I've had trouble concentrating since the Covid-19 mess began. Ironic, isn't it? Plenty of time to read while sheltering in place, but not having the ability to comprehend what I've read lol. I don't normally have a preference for what genre to read over summer. Right now, I'm trying to finish If It Bleeds by Stephen King, and I have American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins on deck.
5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend. Rose: I got to see my oldest nephew, Garett, briefly when he needed to borrow my jumper cables to restart his girlfriend's car. Thorn: Hardee's biscuits and gravy gave my grandmother diarrhea. Sorry, TMI alert.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Do clouds look down at humans and think "hey, that one is shaped like an idiot!"?
Jun 23, 2020
Saw these adorable car succulents via a Facebook ad and now I'm obsessed! I must have one, but I can't decide if I want the llama or the VW van.
Tuesday 4: Summertime
Play along here.
- What activities did you enjoy as a kid in the summer? Playing on my swing set or in my sandbox. Riding my bike around the neighborhood. Swimming in my Aunt's pool. Playing miniature golf with my cousins and Grandpa. Chasing after the ice cream truck.
- Did you go on vacations? Where did you go? The only family vacations we took were to Six Flags amusement park and Cardinals baseball games in St. Louis. When my parents were married, we might have gone twice, maybe three times. After they were divorced, my mom couldn't afford to take us anywhere, but we didn't really mind. She always made sure we got our annual trip to the Heart of Illinois Fair. My brother and I were all about the rides, corn dogs, funnel cakes, and the free grandstand show.
- Do you have a favorite summer time dinner? Share it with us please? Barbecued chicken, fresh off the grill. My late uncle Jerald made THE best barbecued chicken! I attempt it every summer, but it just doesn't taste the same.
- How often do you sit outside and enjoy an iced tea or coffee? Not enough. I'd like to do it more often, but the gnats and wasps are HORRIBLE.
Jun 22, 2020
Monday Movie Meme: The Year You Were Born
(*the creators of the Monday Movie Meme, The Bumbles, are no longer blogging, so I took it upon myself to go through their archives and start at the beginning)
This week's movie topic is all about the year YOU were born...
This week's movie topic is all about the year YOU were born...
- What year were you born? 1969
- What movie won the Oscar for Best Picture that year? Midnight Cowboy
- If you have seen this film, what did you think of it? I've never seen Midnight Cowboy, but I do like Harry Nilsson's "Everybody's Talkin' " from the soundtrack.
- What is YOUR favorite movie from the year YOU were born?* A Boy Named Charlie Brown is the only film I've seen in its entirety.
- Any movies that you have discovered in researching this that you now want to see? Cactus Flower (love Goldie Hawn); The Wrecking Crew (one of Sharon Tate's last roles); Hello, Dolly!; and Easy Rider.
Wear A Mask
Even the goose at my local Arby’s is following safety protocols. If she can do it, so can you .
On a related note, I just have to mention how much I adore this drive through. Employees have it decorated so cutely. In addition to the goose, there's a wheelbarrow filled with flowers, painted rocks in the shapes of flowers, rocks painted like ladybugs, inspirational quotes, and a wooden pallet adorned with hanging plants. The next time I go through, I'll take more photos. Heck, I might even make it the subject of a Thursday 13!
Jun 20, 2020
Saturday 9: Daddy, Don't You Walk So Fast
Play along here.
Saturday 9: Daddy, Don't You Walk So Fast
... because it's Father's Day weekend.
1. This song is about a little girl who runs after her daddy. When is the last time you ran? Were you trying to get somewhere in a hurry, or playing a sport? I don't run...I speed walk. The last time was two years ago at Disney World, trying to catch a bus to one of the parks. If I was in a horror film, I'd probably be the first to die😜
2. This song was a top ten hit for Wayne Newton. Mr. Newton is better known for his TV work, having made more than 150 appearances since 1963. Have you ever been on TV? Or in a YouTube video? I've been on TV twice. The first time was in 2009 when one of our local stations did a morning segment on "cool schools" and I was filmed working with one of my students. The second time was in 2012 when I was briefly shown marching with my fellow union members, protesting proposed cuts to our health benefits.
3. The road leading to Las Vegas' McCarran Airport is named Wayne Newton Blvd. in his honor. When was the last time you were in an airport? Were you flying somewhere, picking someone up, or dropping them off? June 16, 2018. My mom and I were returning from our week long Disney trip. Ironically, today is the day we were scheduled to fly to Orlando-Sanford for our next WDW vacation. <sad face> Stupid COVID-19 (and broken leg).
4. Wayne says Elvis Presley haunts Las Vegas, and believes that the King of Rock and Roll has given him performing and parenting tips from beyond the grave. When did you last see Elvis? On TV, on a t-shirt, poster, or magazine cover, or as a ghostly apparition? None of the above. I last saw him on a Facebook post from one of my high school friends who is a huge Elvis fan.
5. When Sam walks with her day, the problem isn't that he walks fast. It's that he's always stopping to pick up litter he finds on the grass. Litterbugs are his pet peeve. What's your pet peeve? People chewing with their mouths open, rudeness, lateness, people snapping their gum, and whistling snot...just to name a few.
6. What's something you've done recently to economize? Cooking most of my meals and freezing the leftovers.
7. It was her father who taught Sam how to drive. Are you a better student or teacher? Student. When I try to teach, the right words or explanations don't always come to me, plus my method of doing something will more than likely be all over the place and will probably not make sense to anyone else. I'm your typical Aquarius😁
8. Do you have any car maintenance tips to share? Always check your tires before driving and keep on top of your oil changes.
9. Sam's father satisfies his afternoon sugar craving with an almost endless stream of Butter Rum Lifesavers. Do you usually enjoy a between meal snack? I try not to snack between meals, but if I do get hangry, I'll top some sugar free Jello with sugar free cool whip and eat that, or I'll have one of my WW mini bars.
Saturday 9: Daddy, Don't You Walk So Fast
... because it's Father's Day weekend.
1. This song is about a little girl who runs after her daddy. When is the last time you ran? Were you trying to get somewhere in a hurry, or playing a sport? I don't run...I speed walk. The last time was two years ago at Disney World, trying to catch a bus to one of the parks. If I was in a horror film, I'd probably be the first to die😜
2. This song was a top ten hit for Wayne Newton. Mr. Newton is better known for his TV work, having made more than 150 appearances since 1963. Have you ever been on TV? Or in a YouTube video? I've been on TV twice. The first time was in 2009 when one of our local stations did a morning segment on "cool schools" and I was filmed working with one of my students. The second time was in 2012 when I was briefly shown marching with my fellow union members, protesting proposed cuts to our health benefits.
3. The road leading to Las Vegas' McCarran Airport is named Wayne Newton Blvd. in his honor. When was the last time you were in an airport? Were you flying somewhere, picking someone up, or dropping them off? June 16, 2018. My mom and I were returning from our week long Disney trip. Ironically, today is the day we were scheduled to fly to Orlando-Sanford for our next WDW vacation. <sad face> Stupid COVID-19 (and broken leg).
4. Wayne says Elvis Presley haunts Las Vegas, and believes that the King of Rock and Roll has given him performing and parenting tips from beyond the grave. When did you last see Elvis? On TV, on a t-shirt, poster, or magazine cover, or as a ghostly apparition? None of the above. I last saw him on a Facebook post from one of my high school friends who is a huge Elvis fan.
5. When Sam walks with her day, the problem isn't that he walks fast. It's that he's always stopping to pick up litter he finds on the grass. Litterbugs are his pet peeve. What's your pet peeve? People chewing with their mouths open, rudeness, lateness, people snapping their gum, and whistling snot...just to name a few.
6. What's something you've done recently to economize? Cooking most of my meals and freezing the leftovers.
7. It was her father who taught Sam how to drive. Are you a better student or teacher? Student. When I try to teach, the right words or explanations don't always come to me, plus my method of doing something will more than likely be all over the place and will probably not make sense to anyone else. I'm your typical Aquarius😁
8. Do you have any car maintenance tips to share? Always check your tires before driving and keep on top of your oil changes.
9. Sam's father satisfies his afternoon sugar craving with an almost endless stream of Butter Rum Lifesavers. Do you usually enjoy a between meal snack? I try not to snack between meals, but if I do get hangry, I'll top some sugar free Jello with sugar free cool whip and eat that, or I'll have one of my WW mini bars.
Jun 19, 2020
Jun 18, 2020
Throwback Thursday: Children Of The Corn
Being photographed while standing in front of a cornfield is a rite of passage for all Midwestern children. My brother Bart and me, circa 1975. Check out my flares!
Jun 17, 2020
Justice For Makenna
Seven arrested for attack against Chillicothe autistic girl
When I first viewed the video that was circulating yesterday on Facebook, I felt sick to my stomach, and then was filled with anger. As a paraprofessional who works with special needs children, nothing upsets me more than seeing a child being bullied for no reason other than being "different" from his/her peers. My heart about broke when Makenna, tired of being hit, shoved and laughed at, and wanting nothing more than to just walk away, began to cry that she wanted to kill herself. What kind of low life, heartless, sick individual gets pleasure from making another human being feel that way?
As hard as the video was the watch, some good did come from it. The seven perpetrators, all in their mid-to-late teens, were identified and were arrested for aggravated battery and mob action. Their parents must be SO proud. Asshole kids like that lot make me fear for when I'm elderly and they're running things. Jesus take the wheel.
The best remedy for such ignorance and cruelty? Require each member of the guilty party to perform community service by working with autism/special needs individuals. They need to come out of their sheltered little bubbles and see that the people who make up the special needs population are just like us: they struggle and get frustrated; they experience joy and happiness; they have fears and get scared; they have likes and dislikes; they know how to love; and, get ready for it, THEY HAVE FEELINGS.
When I first viewed the video that was circulating yesterday on Facebook, I felt sick to my stomach, and then was filled with anger. As a paraprofessional who works with special needs children, nothing upsets me more than seeing a child being bullied for no reason other than being "different" from his/her peers. My heart about broke when Makenna, tired of being hit, shoved and laughed at, and wanting nothing more than to just walk away, began to cry that she wanted to kill herself. What kind of low life, heartless, sick individual gets pleasure from making another human being feel that way?
As hard as the video was the watch, some good did come from it. The seven perpetrators, all in their mid-to-late teens, were identified and were arrested for aggravated battery and mob action. Their parents must be SO proud. Asshole kids like that lot make me fear for when I'm elderly and they're running things. Jesus take the wheel.
The best remedy for such ignorance and cruelty? Require each member of the guilty party to perform community service by working with autism/special needs individuals. They need to come out of their sheltered little bubbles and see that the people who make up the special needs population are just like us: they struggle and get frustrated; they experience joy and happiness; they have fears and get scared; they have likes and dislikes; they know how to love; and, get ready for it, THEY HAVE FEELINGS.
Wednesday Hodge Podge #373
Play along here.
1. Saturday marks the first official day of summer! Whoohoo! Your favorite thing about the season? As an educator, I get my summers off, so no work! I also enjoy swimming at the local pool, but thanks to COVID-19, that's not happening any time soon. Ditto for vacation.
2. Love it!, labor of love, not for love or money, no love lost, love handles, love does, love-hate relationship, misery loves company, tough love, love will find a way...pick one and tell us how it applies to your life right now. Labor of love. In a few minutes I'm going to my 92 year old grandmother's house so I can get her out of bed, toileted, fed, and bathed. I've been taking care of her since April 8, which was the day my mom, who is her live in caregiver, fell and broke her leg. I'm filling in until Mom is back on her feet and able to resume all duties.
3. What's one thing currently causing you to seethe? One thing currently making you smile? Seethe: The three Supreme Court Justices- Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito- dissension on banning discrimination against LGBT workers. Smile: conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts doing the opposite and joining their liberal counterparts in protecting the workplace rights of the LGBT community. Well done, sirs!
4. Of the following to-dos found on a summer checklist (here) which three would definitely make your personal list of summer want-to-dos?
roast marshmallows over a fire, go berry or peach picking, dangle your feet off the end of a dock, sit on a porch swing, watch the sunset from a beach, nap in a hammock, go barefoot in the grass, collect seashells, play tennis, go fishing, build a sandcastle, catch fireflies, eat a soft serve ice cream cone, make a pitcher of Sangria, swim in a lake, stargaze, ride a bike, paddle a canoe or kayak, make a summer road trip, throw a frisbee
Do you make an actual list? No. I just let each day happen as it unfolds.
5. Thursday is National Splurge Day. What might you splurge on in order to celebrate? I need new living room furniture, so once I find what I'm looking for (no luck so far), I'll splurge on that.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
1. Saturday marks the first official day of summer! Whoohoo! Your favorite thing about the season? As an educator, I get my summers off, so no work! I also enjoy swimming at the local pool, but thanks to COVID-19, that's not happening any time soon. Ditto for vacation.
2. Love it!, labor of love, not for love or money, no love lost, love handles, love does, love-hate relationship, misery loves company, tough love, love will find a way...pick one and tell us how it applies to your life right now. Labor of love. In a few minutes I'm going to my 92 year old grandmother's house so I can get her out of bed, toileted, fed, and bathed. I've been taking care of her since April 8, which was the day my mom, who is her live in caregiver, fell and broke her leg. I'm filling in until Mom is back on her feet and able to resume all duties.
3. What's one thing currently causing you to seethe? One thing currently making you smile? Seethe: The three Supreme Court Justices- Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito- dissension on banning discrimination against LGBT workers. Smile: conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts doing the opposite and joining their liberal counterparts in protecting the workplace rights of the LGBT community. Well done, sirs!
4. Of the following to-dos found on a summer checklist (here) which three would definitely make your personal list of summer want-to-dos?
roast marshmallows over a fire, go berry or peach picking, dangle your feet off the end of a dock, sit on a porch swing, watch the sunset from a beach, nap in a hammock, go barefoot in the grass, collect seashells, play tennis, go fishing, build a sandcastle, catch fireflies, eat a soft serve ice cream cone, make a pitcher of Sangria, swim in a lake, stargaze, ride a bike, paddle a canoe or kayak, make a summer road trip, throw a frisbee
Do you make an actual list? No. I just let each day happen as it unfolds.
5. Thursday is National Splurge Day. What might you splurge on in order to celebrate? I need new living room furniture, so once I find what I'm looking for (no luck so far), I'll splurge on that.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Jun 16, 2020
Misophonia, Table For One
I know Backes has allergies and can't help it, but damn, the sounds of his licking, chewing, and snorting is enough to make me want to puncture my ear drums so I don't have to hear it any more. Seriously. I thought giving him a Benadryl at night would help alleviate his symptoms, and while it does help initially, it usually wears off around 3 a.m. and the licking/chewing cycle starts anew. Sigh. Guess I'm going to have to call the vet for a prescription to give him (and me) relief.
Jun 15, 2020
Up Yours, Snotty!
I really love starting off the week by getting bitched at by a neighbor.
I was walking Backes and he did what most dogs do while on a walk- he lifted his leg and peed on the first available thing of interest on the street, which happened to be said neighbor’s car tire. We walked a little farther up to the corner, he peed on the stop sign pole and on a clump of weeds, and then we were on our way back home. No sooner were we at the foot of my driveway when the neighbor comes out of the house and down to her car and yells, “Thanks for letting your dog piss on my car! What the hell?” Now, I’ve never had a problem with this woman in the few times we’ve interacted, so I was caught off guard by her nasty attitude. I mean, he peed a little on her damn tire. It’s not like he took a big crap in her yard and I left it there¹. I offered an apology but she kept mumbling obscenities to herself and then drove off.
As pissed as I was, I bought a card and inserted a $20 bill for a car wash, with an apology from Backes. If she can’t get over it, she can shove the money and that card up her fat ass.
¹The kicker? Her dog, an overly aggressive old Chow Chow, has pooped in my yard twice, but do you see me acting like a big jerk over it?
I was walking Backes and he did what most dogs do while on a walk- he lifted his leg and peed on the first available thing of interest on the street, which happened to be said neighbor’s car tire. We walked a little farther up to the corner, he peed on the stop sign pole and on a clump of weeds, and then we were on our way back home. No sooner were we at the foot of my driveway when the neighbor comes out of the house and down to her car and yells, “Thanks for letting your dog piss on my car! What the hell?” Now, I’ve never had a problem with this woman in the few times we’ve interacted, so I was caught off guard by her nasty attitude. I mean, he peed a little on her damn tire. It’s not like he took a big crap in her yard and I left it there¹. I offered an apology but she kept mumbling obscenities to herself and then drove off.
As pissed as I was, I bought a card and inserted a $20 bill for a car wash, with an apology from Backes. If she can’t get over it, she can shove the money and that card up her fat ass.
¹The kicker? Her dog, an overly aggressive old Chow Chow, has pooped in my yard twice, but do you see me acting like a big jerk over it?
Birdie Bébés*
A few weeks ago, I discovered this darling bird nest on the top shelf of an old metal bookshelf I have in the corner of my garage. When I saw the lone egg, off white speckled with brown, I knew immediately that it wasn't a robin nesting there. I periodically checked the nest over the next few days and noticed that 4 more eggs had been laid.
Judging by the appearance of the eggs, several of my Facebook friends thought that it could be a migrating barn swallow, but I wasn't convinced because the nest didn't look anything like the barn swallow nests I found on ornithology websites. Once I finally saw mama bird in the nest, on about day 8, it became clear: she was a house sparrow! Because I have several household projects going on that require tools from the garage, I've tried to get her acclimated to me coming and going in the hopes that she won't attack me. She hasn't yet <fingers crossed>
Here's a short video of the hatchlings. Aren't they the cutest?
*Thanks to Moira Rose on Schitt's Creek, I will forever pronounce babies as bébés😁
Judging by the appearance of the eggs, several of my Facebook friends thought that it could be a migrating barn swallow, but I wasn't convinced because the nest didn't look anything like the barn swallow nests I found on ornithology websites. Once I finally saw mama bird in the nest, on about day 8, it became clear: she was a house sparrow! Because I have several household projects going on that require tools from the garage, I've tried to get her acclimated to me coming and going in the hopes that she won't attack me. She hasn't yet <fingers crossed>
*Thanks to Moira Rose on Schitt's Creek, I will forever pronounce babies as bébés😁
Jun 13, 2020
The Saturday Nine
Saturday 9: The Rain, The Park, and Other Things (1967)
Play along here!
1) The Cowsills were a family band who had three hit singles. Can you name another group of popular singing siblings? Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Michael, otherwise known as The Jackson 5.
2) This was their first hit, and it reached #2 on the Billboard charts. It was kept out of the #1 slot by the Monkees and "Daydream Believer." What's your favorite Monkees song? There are so many to choose from, but lately it's been Salesman.
3) After seeing the Cowsill brothers perform with their mother and sister, TV producers were inspired to create the sitcom, The Partridge Family. Did you ever watch it? Not during its' popularity. I watched it when it was part of the nightly line up on Nick At Nite.
4) In the song, the narrator takes a flower from a girl in the park. Are there flowers in your home right now? Just a half dead violet in my kitchen window. It hasn't flowered since January, but the petals look somewhat healthy, so I don't have the heart to throw it out just yet.
5) He isn't sure if the girl was real, or if he dreamed her. Tell us about a recent dream you had. Last night I dreamt that I was back in high school and had to take a horrendous algebra test. When I saw how complicated the first problem was, I started to panic, and then just sat there frozen while everyone around me breezed through the answers. I felt like an idiot.
6) At the height of the Cowsills' popularity, they were hired by the American Dairy Association to promote drinking milk. If we were to peek into your refrigerator right now, would we find any milk? Almond milk.
7) After the band stopped performing together, John Cowsill went on to become a back up musician for the Beach Boys. His job has kept him on the road much of the time. When you travel, do you enjoy staying in hotels, or would you rather stay with friends/family? I prefer hotels. I like the privacy.
8) In 1967, the year this song was popular, Elvis married Priscilla in Las Vegas. Have you attended any weddings yet this year? Are there any weddings in your future? No and no.
9) Random question: Are the bottoms of your feet ticklish? Extremely! When getting pedicures, I have to restrain myself from accidentally kicking the technician because I'm squirming in the chair and laughing so much.
Play along here!

1) The Cowsills were a family band who had three hit singles. Can you name another group of popular singing siblings? Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Michael, otherwise known as The Jackson 5.
2) This was their first hit, and it reached #2 on the Billboard charts. It was kept out of the #1 slot by the Monkees and "Daydream Believer." What's your favorite Monkees song? There are so many to choose from, but lately it's been Salesman.
3) After seeing the Cowsill brothers perform with their mother and sister, TV producers were inspired to create the sitcom, The Partridge Family. Did you ever watch it? Not during its' popularity. I watched it when it was part of the nightly line up on Nick At Nite.
4) In the song, the narrator takes a flower from a girl in the park. Are there flowers in your home right now? Just a half dead violet in my kitchen window. It hasn't flowered since January, but the petals look somewhat healthy, so I don't have the heart to throw it out just yet.
5) He isn't sure if the girl was real, or if he dreamed her. Tell us about a recent dream you had. Last night I dreamt that I was back in high school and had to take a horrendous algebra test. When I saw how complicated the first problem was, I started to panic, and then just sat there frozen while everyone around me breezed through the answers. I felt like an idiot.
6) At the height of the Cowsills' popularity, they were hired by the American Dairy Association to promote drinking milk. If we were to peek into your refrigerator right now, would we find any milk? Almond milk.
7) After the band stopped performing together, John Cowsill went on to become a back up musician for the Beach Boys. His job has kept him on the road much of the time. When you travel, do you enjoy staying in hotels, or would you rather stay with friends/family? I prefer hotels. I like the privacy.
8) In 1967, the year this song was popular, Elvis married Priscilla in Las Vegas. Have you attended any weddings yet this year? Are there any weddings in your future? No and no.
9) Random question: Are the bottoms of your feet ticklish? Extremely! When getting pedicures, I have to restrain myself from accidentally kicking the technician because I'm squirming in the chair and laughing so much.
Jun 12, 2020
One Year Ago Tonight
Jun 11, 2020
Thursday 13: 13 Things That Have Happened In My Life During My 7 Year Blogging Absence
1. Backes-At the time of my last blog entry, I had an 11 year old black pug named Mushi Mu. Mushi started showing signs of illness in May 2013 and tests determined he was suffering from diabetes, kidney failure, and severe pancreatitis. His quality of life had taken a downward spiral, and as much as it broke our hearts, we decided to end his suffering. He passed away in my Mom's arms. Neither mom or I had plans to own another dog until December of that same year when the director of our local no kill animal shelter contacted us about a pug mix that was arriving from a shelter in St. Louis. Mom went to meet him in person and the first thing he did in the acquaintance room was lift his leg and pee on her! Mom was like, "That's it...he's ours!" 😁 We named him Backes, after David Backes of the St. Louis Blues. He's stubborn, smart, and likes to get into mischief, but he has brought great joy into our lives. He's my Backydoodle, Doodlebug, Doodlydoo, and Turd Ferguson (when he's naughty).
2. Pippin- I got to spend 15 wonderful years with my beautiful tiger striped tabby cat, Pippin Took. Unfortunately, he started suffering from health problems in spring 2019, and by the time I made the difficult decision to euthanize him, he was down to 10 lbs. For most of his adult life, he was a big boy who weighed 18-20 lbs. October 2, 2019 was one of the hardest days of my life. He went to sleep peacefully while I held his paws, kissed him, and told him what a good boy he was. There will never be another kitty like him.
3. Jolene- I was surprised as hell when my sister called me on the night of January 20, 2017 to tell me she was pregnant. At that time, she had a 10 year old, Madilyn, and a 9 year old, Claire, so we all thought her diaper days were far behind her. Her husband Justin had always told her they could have another baby when the Cubs won the World Series, thinking 1) it would never happen and 2) in the slim chance that it did happen, Sara would be too old. Lo and behold, the Cubs did the unthinkable and won the World Series in November 2016, and on August 23, 2017, Jolene Anne made her debut. Justin kept his word!
Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Hodge Podge
1. Last thing you said yes to? Did you regret it?
I lent money to my best friend. I didn't regret it because it helped her buy groceries for her family. Times are tough right now and if I can help someone out, I will.
2. No big deal, no contest, no dice, no hard feelings, no ifs ands or buts, no kidding, no offense, no pain no gain, no way...choose one and tell us how it applies to your life currently.
No if ands or buts, if you're not angered by what happened to George Floyd, or turn a blind eye to the racial injustice and prejudice in this country, kindly remove yourself from my life.
3. Thursday June 11th is National Making Life Beautiful Day...in this strange season how are you adding beauty to your days/life?
Planting flowers, feeding my bird and squirrel friends, painting kindness rocks for people to find.
4. According to an article found here, these six foods taste better in June than at any other time of the year-strawberries, asparagus, peas, peaches, beets, and garlic. How many of these have you tasted so far this month? Anything on the list you'd say 'no thank you' to trying? Rearrange the list starting with your favorite (1) to your least favorite (6).
I loathe asparagus and beets. The remaining foods would be ranked: 1. Strawberries 2. Peas 3. Peaches 4. Garlic
5. Describe your current mood in three words.
Overwhelmed, disgusted, heartbroken
6. Insert your own random thought here.
How To Annoy Me
Never like or comment on any of my Facebook posts, but the second I post something political that you don't agree with, there you are. <eye roll>
Jun 9, 2020
Tuesday 4: All That Glitters
Play along here.
1. Everyone has a birth stone and a birth flower. What are yours?
Amethyst and Violets for February. So much purple!
2. Gold glitters and California is the Golden State. What is your state called?
3. "All that glitters is not gold' goes the old saying. Do you have a favorite saying or biblical verse you will share with us?
That's me in a nutshell. I refuse to give up on a problem or task until I solve it.
4.Glittery greeting cards or plain? Which is your preference?
I really don't have a preference, but if I had to choose, I'd pick plain, because most of the funny cards are plain (I tend to gravitate towards humorous cards, unless it's a somber occasion) I'm ashamed to admit this, but the first thing I check is the cost. I hate spending money on items that most people will end up tossing in the garbage.
Jun 8, 2020
This fierce beauty, my middle niece Claire, turns 13 years old today. 13! Where the heck did the time go?!? I can’t believe she’s now an official teenager who will be going into eighth grade this fall. Seems like only yesterday she was running around in Justin Bieber pajamas, telling everyone she wanted to be a professional wrestler when she grew up😆
Well, she’s gotten over Bieber (thank God!), and while she still enjoys wrestling and the WWE, her current focus is on gymnastics and cheerleading. Perfect outlets for her abundant energy! Claire has competed in statewide gymnastic meets over the past 3 years and has won several awards and trophies, but now that she is into cheerleading, that has taken precedent. It would be too stressful and time consuming for her, and her parents, to keep both activities. Not to mention expensive.
No matter what she does in life, proud auntie here will always be there cheering her on. Love you, sweet girl!
Well, she’s gotten over Bieber (thank God!), and while she still enjoys wrestling and the WWE, her current focus is on gymnastics and cheerleading. Perfect outlets for her abundant energy! Claire has competed in statewide gymnastic meets over the past 3 years and has won several awards and trophies, but now that she is into cheerleading, that has taken precedent. It would be too stressful and time consuming for her, and her parents, to keep both activities. Not to mention expensive.
No matter what she does in life, proud auntie here will always be there cheering her on. Love you, sweet girl!
Jun 7, 2020
Sunday Stealing: Would You Rather Edition
Play along here!
* Would you rather work in a group or work alone?
This sounds odd coming from a loner like me, but I'd rather work in a group, with one caveat: every member of the group must do his/her assigned task. I've been in groups before where I have done the brunt of the work while my co-workers sat back and did nothing. As annoying as that can be, I'd still miss the camaraderie of being around people.
* Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
I'd rather be with someone who talks incessantly, as long as the island is big enough for me to have my own quiet hideaway. I don't want to end up like Tom Hanks in Cast Away, talking to a volleyball.
* Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. It's much easier to layer clothes and snuggle under blankets than it is to cool off.
* When you’re old, would you rather die before or after your spouse?
I'm not married, but if I was, I'd rather go first.
* Would you rather have a cook or a maid?
A cook, please. I kind of enjoy cleaning. It's therapeutic.
* Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
I'm the oldest sibling and I'm definitely okay with that.
* Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?
I'd rather get rich through hard work. Winning the lottery would bring a lot of people out of the woodwork, acting phony around me in the hopes that I'd give them money. No thanks.
* Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
The headstrong politician. As long as there's food and alcohol, I can sit there, smile, and let his/her word diarrhea go in one ear and out the other.
* Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
Nobel Peace Prize, for sure. I'd like to contribute something helpful to the people of the world.
* Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job?
A desk job. I'm not a fan of being outdoors for longer than I have to be. Especially in the summer, being a redhead who burns rather quickly.
* Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain?
The NYC apartment. There'd be more to do in the city than on top of a mountain.
* Would you rather have Rambo or The Terminator on your side?
The Terminator, only because he'd be harder for our enemies to destroy.
* Would you rather be proposed to in private or in front of family and friends?
Private. I hate being the center of attention and would much rather keep the intimate moment between myself and my partner.
* Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food?
I'd love to be able to sew my own clothes. My paternal grandmother and great-grandmother could sew like professionals, but that gene unfortunately skipped me.
* Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?
Get the bad news out of the way first. Why have good news ruined seconds later by the bad?
* Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
It would depend on the work.
* Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors?
I've had both and much prefer the nosy over the noisy.
* Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating game show?
Neither! Especially the survival reality show. Have you seen Naked and Afraid? Why the hell would anyone voluntarily sign up for that experience?
* Would you rather be too busy or be bored?
Too busy.
* Would you rather watch the big game at home or live at the stadium.
Live at the stadium. Sure, you get a front row seat watching the game at home, but nothing can compare to being among your fellow fans, feeding off their energy and excitement. Or having someone to commiserate with if your team isn't doing so hot.
* Would you rather spend the day with your favorite athlete or you favorite movie star?
My favorite movie star. Tom Hiddleston, I'm talking to you.
* Would you rather live where it is constantly winter or where it is constantly summer?
Ugh! Can't I have constant autumn? Okay fine, I choose constant summer. I hate bugs, but I'd rather deal with them than driving on ice and snow covered roads.
* Would you rather travel the US and see the sights in a motor home or by plane?
The motor home. I'd love to travel the US in this manner after I retire. That is, if I get to retire.
* Would you rather be a little late or way too early?
Early. Lateness is one of my many pet peeves.
* Would you rather have an unlimited gift certificate to a restaurant or a clothing store?
The clothing store. I shouldn't get in the habit of eating out. Plus, I'm kind of paranoid about unfamiliar people preparing my food.
* Would you rather date someone you met online or go on a blind date?
That's a tough one. I'd rather be introduced to someone via a friend, even if that hasn't always worked out.
* Would you rather work in a group or work alone?
This sounds odd coming from a loner like me, but I'd rather work in a group, with one caveat: every member of the group must do his/her assigned task. I've been in groups before where I have done the brunt of the work while my co-workers sat back and did nothing. As annoying as that can be, I'd still miss the camaraderie of being around people.
* Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
I'd rather be with someone who talks incessantly, as long as the island is big enough for me to have my own quiet hideaway. I don't want to end up like Tom Hanks in Cast Away, talking to a volleyball.
* Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. It's much easier to layer clothes and snuggle under blankets than it is to cool off.
* When you’re old, would you rather die before or after your spouse?
I'm not married, but if I was, I'd rather go first.
* Would you rather have a cook or a maid?
A cook, please. I kind of enjoy cleaning. It's therapeutic.
* Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
I'm the oldest sibling and I'm definitely okay with that.
* Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?
I'd rather get rich through hard work. Winning the lottery would bring a lot of people out of the woodwork, acting phony around me in the hopes that I'd give them money. No thanks.
* Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
The headstrong politician. As long as there's food and alcohol, I can sit there, smile, and let his/her word diarrhea go in one ear and out the other.
* Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
Nobel Peace Prize, for sure. I'd like to contribute something helpful to the people of the world.
* Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job?
A desk job. I'm not a fan of being outdoors for longer than I have to be. Especially in the summer, being a redhead who burns rather quickly.
* Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain?
The NYC apartment. There'd be more to do in the city than on top of a mountain.
* Would you rather have Rambo or The Terminator on your side?
The Terminator, only because he'd be harder for our enemies to destroy.
* Would you rather be proposed to in private or in front of family and friends?
Private. I hate being the center of attention and would much rather keep the intimate moment between myself and my partner.
* Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food?
I'd love to be able to sew my own clothes. My paternal grandmother and great-grandmother could sew like professionals, but that gene unfortunately skipped me.
* Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?
Get the bad news out of the way first. Why have good news ruined seconds later by the bad?
* Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
It would depend on the work.
* Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors?
I've had both and much prefer the nosy over the noisy.
* Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating game show?
Neither! Especially the survival reality show. Have you seen Naked and Afraid? Why the hell would anyone voluntarily sign up for that experience?
* Would you rather be too busy or be bored?
Too busy.
* Would you rather watch the big game at home or live at the stadium.
Live at the stadium. Sure, you get a front row seat watching the game at home, but nothing can compare to being among your fellow fans, feeding off their energy and excitement. Or having someone to commiserate with if your team isn't doing so hot.
* Would you rather spend the day with your favorite athlete or you favorite movie star?
My favorite movie star. Tom Hiddleston, I'm talking to you.
* Would you rather live where it is constantly winter or where it is constantly summer?
Ugh! Can't I have constant autumn? Okay fine, I choose constant summer. I hate bugs, but I'd rather deal with them than driving on ice and snow covered roads.
* Would you rather travel the US and see the sights in a motor home or by plane?
The motor home. I'd love to travel the US in this manner after I retire. That is, if I get to retire.
* Would you rather be a little late or way too early?
Early. Lateness is one of my many pet peeves.
* Would you rather have an unlimited gift certificate to a restaurant or a clothing store?
The clothing store. I shouldn't get in the habit of eating out. Plus, I'm kind of paranoid about unfamiliar people preparing my food.
* Would you rather date someone you met online or go on a blind date?
That's a tough one. I'd rather be introduced to someone via a friend, even if that hasn't always worked out.
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